Everyday Emily

Southern Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle Blog

Baby Shower

Time is literally flying by! I'm nearing week 33 of pregnancy, and it's so hard to believe that in just a few weeks more we'll be holding a squishy baby boy in our arms. I can't wait!  I'm in full-on baby prep mode. I've been washing all of his clothes and getting everything ready for his arrival! 

Last Saturday was our baby shower thrown by my sweet family! It was a donut theme, and everything was absolutely perfect! We're so thankful for all the friends and family who spoiled us. My best friend I grew up with and her mom came down to celebrate with us, and it was such a fun weekend!

Today I just thought I'd share a few pics from the shower. My sweet friend Mamie made the cakes, and they were delicious and so beautiful. My mom, sister, and sister-in-law did all of the decor and food, and everything was perfect! So thankful for them. I hope you have a great weekend! 

